Breakdown of the DevOps Automation

To understand the second of the two major deployments in the WVD QuickStart (for an overview, please see Concepts section), the Azure DevOps pipeline that deploys a WVD environment for you, let’s first take a look at Azure DevOps itself.

Understanding Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is a very powerful platform and it therefore comes with a lot of possibilites and components. To understand the structure of the WVD QuickStart automation, we’ll take a look at some of the aspects of DevOps. The main two features that we will make use of are the Repos and the Pipelines, both available in the left-side menu in your DevOps project (after running the initial ARM deployment, which creates this project). The Repos section will look like this:

DevOps Repository

This repository functions just like any other git repository. By default, it will be set to private and it holds all the files used by the WVD QuickStart to deploy a WVD environment for you. In this repository, you can do many of the customizations explained in the Customize section. The more exciting part of DevOps will be under the Pipelines section, which will look something like the image below:

DevOps Pipeline Overview

DevOps pipelines are very powerful tools that allow you to create custom build and/or release automization. In our case, the pipeline in the DevOps project takes care of the deployment of all WVD resources in an automated and repeatable way. The QuickStart uses only part of the pipeline functionalities, which are described in a high-level overview here. A pipeline is based on a .yml or YAML file, which in our case can be found in QS-WVD/pipeline.yml - We will dive deeper into this file later.

As you can see in the above image, one of the options in the Pipelines menu on the left is Library. A library can be used to store (secret) variable groups or files, that can hold values that can be accessed by the pipeline. In the WVD QuickStart case, the initial ARM deployment will create a variable group called WVDSecrets, which holds certain authentication credentials used by the pipeline to authenticate against Azure and agains the domain controller.

Service Connection

Because Azure DevOps and the Azure Resource Manager are separate services, DevOps needs a way to authenticate with the Azure Resource Manager for it to get permission to deploy the WVD resources. To do so, the initial ARM deployment will create something called a Service Connection. You can find this service connection under your project settings -> Service Connections, and by default it will be called WVDServiceConnection.

Understanding the Automation Pipeline

Now that you are a little more familiar of the DevOps structure, we can dive straight into our automation pipeline itself. However, before doing so, it’s recommended to familiarize yourself with the YAML pipeline file structure first, which you can do here.


name: WVD Deployment

- template: './variables.yml'

trigger: none

At the top of the pipeline, you will find its name defined, as well as a link to a variables.yml file. This file contains certain parameters used in the automation - to learn more about this, check out the Customize section. You can also see that there’s currently no trigger set for the pipeline, which means it will never automatically start running (with the exception of the initial deployment). If you want to further develop the WVD QuickStart and automate future WVD Deployments, you can learn more about triggers in DevOps pipelines.

Processing Input Parameters

- stage: SBX
  - deployment: Process_input_parameters
    dependsOn: ''
    environment: SBX
    condition: and(succeeded(), true)
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Parse input parameters into parameter files'
                name: Process_inputer_parameters_task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                      Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                      . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/QS-WVD/Scripts/New-PipelineParameterSetup.ps1'

                      New-PipelineParameterSetup -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true

In the first pipeline job, a script called New-PipelineParameterSetup.ps1 is run. This particular script takes the parameters from appliedParameters.psd1 (learn more about that file in the Customize section) and generates ARM template parameter files for the WVD deployment. For every resource that will be deployed, the script generates a parameter file using the templates in the /templates/pipelineinput folder.

              - task: CopyFiles@2
                name: Copy_FSLogix_parameters
                  SourceFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/QS-WVD/Parameters'
                  Contents: 'fslogix.parameters.json'
                  TargetFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/s/Uploads/WVDScripts/002-FSLogix'
                  OverWrite: true
              - task: CopyFiles@2
                name: Copy_Userconfig_parameters
                  SourceFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/QS-WVD/Parameters'
                  Contents: 'users.parameters.json'
                  TargetFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/s/Uploads'
                  OverWrite: true
              - task: CopyFiles@2
                name: Copy_AzFiles_parameters
                  SourceFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/QS-WVD/Parameters'
                  Contents: 'azfiles.parameters.json'
                  TargetFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/s/Uploads/WVDScripts/001-AzFiles'
                  OverWrite: true
              - task: CopyFiles@2
                name: Copy_Deployment_parameters
                  SourceFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/QS-WVD/Parameters'
                  Contents: '**'
                  TargetFolder: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)'
                  OverWrite: true
              - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
                name: Publish_Deployment_Files
                  targetPath: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)'
                  artifact: 'parameters'
                  publishLocation: 'pipeline'

The next part of this same job consists of a couple of Copy tasks. What happens here is that it takes the parameter files generated by the script above, and copies them into the current pipeline build’s ‘Workspace’. This includes parameters for the configuration of FSLogix and the enablement of Azure Files (which are both custom script extensions). These files being in the pipeline ‘Workspace’ means that the parameter files are associated with this particular run of the pipeline only, stored as an Artifact by the bottom Publish task in the code above. Whenever you rerun the pipeline, these parameter files are regenerated based on the parameters in the appliedParameters.psd1 and variables.yml files. In the overview of your pipeline, you can view this Artifact by clicking in the location of the red rectangle in the picture below.

DevOps Pipeline Artifact

Assets Storage Account Deployment

  - deployment: Deploy_wvdAssetsStorage
    - Process_input_parameters
    environment: SBX
      and (
          eq(variables['enableJobDeployAssetsStorageAccount'], true),
            eq(dependencies.Deploy_MgmtResourceGroup.result, ''),
            in(dependencies.Deploy_MgmtResourceGroup.result, 'Succeeded', 'Skipped')
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Deploy module [StorageAccounts] in [$(resourceGroupName)] via [$(serviceConnection)]'
                name: Deploy_StorageAccounts_Task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1'

                    $parameterFilePath = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/storageaccount.parameters.json'
                    $functionInput = @{
                      resourcegroupName             = "$(resourceGroupName)"
                      location                      = "$(location)"
                      moduleName                    = "StorageAccounts"
                      moduleVersion                 = "2020-06-02"
                      parameterFilePath             = $parameterFilePath

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Invoke-GeneralDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: "Trigger module [StorageAccounts] post-deployment"
                name: PostDeploy_StorageAccounts_Task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: | 
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(parameterFolderPath)/Scripts/Invoke-StorageAccountPostDeployment.ps1'

                    $functionInput = @{
                      orchestrationFunctionsPath = Join-Path '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)' '$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)'
                      wvdUploadsPath = Join-Path '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/s' '$(wvdUploadsPath)'          
                      storageAccountName         = "$(wvdAssetsStorage)"

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Invoke-StorageAccountPostDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true

The job above deploys the Assets storage account in your resource group. This storage account will be used to store the contents of the Uploads/WVDScripts: This folder contains the three different custom script extensions that will be installed on the WVD Virtual Machines: Azure Files enablement, FSLogix configuration, and NotepadPlusPlus installation. It fetches these files from the WVD QuickStart GitHub repository by default.

Profiles Storage Account Deployment

  - deployment: Deploy_WVDProfilesStorageAccount01
    - Deploy_wvdAssetsStorage
    environment: SBX
    condition: and(succeeded(), true)
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Deploy module [StorageAccounts] in [$(resourceGroupName)] via [$(serviceConnection)]'
                name: Deploy_StorageAccounts_Task_01
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1'

                    $parameterFilePath = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/wvdprofiles-storageaccount-01.parameters.json'
                    $functionInput = @{
                      resourcegroupName             = "$(resourceGroupName)"
                      location                      = "$(location)"
                      moduleName                    = "StorageAccounts"
                      moduleVersion                 = "2020-06-02"
                      parameterFilePath             = $parameterFilePath
                    Write-Verbose "Checking identity approach: $(identityApproach)" -Verbose
                    If("$(identityApproach)" -eq "Azure AD DS") {
                      Write-Verbose "Creating azureFilesIdentityBasedAuthentication object and set to Azure AD DS" -Verbose
                          directoryServiceOptions = "Azure AD DS"
                      $functionInput += @{

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with $functionInput" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Invoke-GeneralDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true

This pipeline job takes care of the profiles storage account deployment. This storage account, deployed in your resource group, will be used to store the FSLogix user profiles in a file share called wvdprofiles by default. This deployment does not carry out the Azure Files enablement for a native AD environment (domain joining the storage account), as this is done through a custom script extensions. In case of using the Azure AD DS identity approach, this flag will in fact be set on the storage account within this pipeline job.

WVD Host Pool Deployment

  - deployment: Deploy_WVDHostPool
    - Deploy_WVDProfilesStorageAccount01
    environment: SBX
    condition: and(succeeded(), true)
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Deploy module [WvdHostPools] in [$(resourceGroupName)] via [$(serviceConnection)]'
                name: Deploy_WVDHostPool_Task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1'

                    $parameterFilePath = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/wvdhostpool.parameters.json'
                    $functionInput = @{
                      resourcegroupName             = "$(resourceGroupName)"
                      location                      = "$(location)"
                      moduleName                    = "WvdHostPools"
                      moduleVersion                 = "0.0.1"
                      parameterFilePath             = $parameterFilePath

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Invoke-GeneralDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true  

The pipeline jop above deploys the first WVD-specific resource: the host pool to which we will register the virtual machines later on. This deployment is pretty straightforward and uses a standard host pool configuration: the type is “Pooled” and it uses the “BreadthFirst” load-balancing algorithm.

Desktop App Group Deployment

  - deployment: Deploy_DesktopAppGroup
    - Deploy_WVDHostPool
    - Deploy_WVDSessionHosts
    environment: SBX
    condition: and(succeeded(), true)
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Deploy module [WvdApplicationGroups] in [$(resourceGroupName)] via [$(serviceConnection)]'
                name: Deploy_WvdApplicationGroups_Task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1'

                    $parameterFilePath = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/wvddesktoppapplicationgroup.parameters.json'
                    $functionInput = @{
                      resourcegroupName             = "$(resourceGroupName)"
                      location                      = "$(location)"
                      moduleName                    = "WvdApplicationGroups"
                      moduleVersion                 = "2020-06-02"
                      parameterFilePath             = $parameterFilePath

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Invoke-GeneralDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true

This pipeline job will deploy a Desktop App Group, after deployment of the host pool and the virtual machines. This deployment registers the user group that will be given access to the WVD environment to this desktop app group, so that the test user will have access to it upon completion of the pipeline.

WVD Virtual Machine (Session Host) Deployment

  - deployment: Deploy_WVDSessionHosts
    - Deploy_WVDHostPool
    environment: SBX
    condition: and(succeeded(), true)
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - powershell: |
                  if(-not (Get-Module Az.DesktopVirtualization -ListAvailable)) {
                      Write-Verbose "Installing module 'Az.DesktopVirtualization'" -Verbose
                      Install-Module Az.DesktopVirtualization -Repository PSGallery -Force -Scope CurrentUser
                  } else {
                      Write-Verbose "Module 'Az.DesktopVirtualization' already installed" -Verbose
                displayName: 'Install required module'
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Deploy module [VirtualMachines] in [$(resourceGroupName)] via [$(serviceConnection)]'
                name: Deploy_SessionHosts_Task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1'
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Add-CustomParameters.ps1'

                    $parameterFilePath = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/wvdsessionhost.parameters.json'
                    $functionInput = @{
                      resourcegroupName             = "$(resourceGroupName)"
                      location                      = "$(location)"
                      moduleName                    = "VirtualMachines"
                      moduleVersion                 = "2020-06-02"
                      parameterFilePath             = $parameterFilePath

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Write-Verbose "Fetch and populated pipeline outputs" -Verbose
                    $regInfo = Get-AzWvdRegistrationInfo -HostPoolName '$(hostpoolname)' -ResourceGroupName '$(resourceGroupName)'

                    $overwriteInputObject = @{
                      parameterFilePath = $parameterFilePath
                      valueMap         = @(
                        @{ path = 'dscConfiguration.value.protectedSettings.configurationArguments.registrationInfoToken'; value = $regInfo.Token }
                    Add-CustomParameters @overwriteInputObject

                    $parameterObjects = $()
                    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty('$(customImageReferenceId)')) {
                      Write-Verbose "Using custom image ref ['$(customImageReferenceId)']" -Verbose
                      $parameterObjects += @{
                        imageReference = @{
                          id = '$(customImageReferenceId)'
                    else {
                      $imageReference = @{
                        publisher = '$(publisher)'
                        offer     = '$(offer)'
                        sku       = '$(sku)'
                        version   = '$(version)'
                      Write-Verbose ("Using published image ref [{0}]" -f ($imageReference | ConvertTo-Json)) -Verbose
                      $parameterObjects += @{
                        imageReference = $imageReference

                    $storageAccount = Get-AzResource -Name $(profilesStorageAccountName) -ResourceType 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts'
                    $SASKey = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -AccountName $storageAccount.Name -ResourceGroupName $storageAccount.ResourceGroupName)[0]                    
                    $windowsScriptExtensionCommandToExecute = 'powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& .\scriptExtensionMasterInstaller.ps1 -AzureAdminUpn $(azureAdminUpn) -AzureAdminPassword $(azureAdminPassword) -domainJoinPassword $(domainJoinPassword) -Dynparameters @{storageaccountkey=\"'+ $($SASKey.Value) +'\"}"'
                    $windowsScriptExtensionCommandToExecute = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $windowsScriptExtensionCommandToExecute -AsPlainText -Force
                    $parameterObjects += @{
                      windowsScriptExtensionCommandToExecute = $windowsScriptExtensionCommandToExecute

                    $functionInput += @{
                      optionalParameters = $parameterObjects

                    Invoke-GeneralDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true 

The section above describes the pipeline job that will deploy the WVD Virtual Machines, as well as execute the custom script extensions (CSE) on those VMs. Additionally, this section contains logic that will use a custom image for the VMs if this is specified in the variables.yml file. If this is not specified, the pipeline will deploy using the gallery image specified in that same file. The line in which the CSE command is formed is the following:

$windowsScriptExtensionCommandToExecute = 'powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& .\scriptExtensionMasterInstaller.ps1 -AzureAdminUpn $(azureAdminUpn) -AzureAdminPassword $(azureAdminPassword) -domainJoinPassword $(domainJoinPassword) -Dynparameters @{storageaccountkey=\"'+ $($SASKey.Value) +'\"}"'

As you can see, this command requires certain credentials that cannot be stored as plain text in the variables.yml file. Therefore, the pipeline will fetch them from the WVDSecrets variable group explained at the top of this page. The CSEs’ execution will be handled by the scriptExtensionMasterInstaller.ps1 file, which will execute the four different CSEs in order.

WVD Workspace Deployment

  - deployment: Deploy_Workspace
    - Deploy_DesktopAppGroup
    environment: SBX
    condition: and(succeeded(), true)
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Deploy module [WvdWorkspaces] in [$(resourceGroupName)] via [$(serviceConnection)]'
                name: Deploy_WvdWorkspaces_Task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1'

                    $parameterFilePath = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/wvdworkspace.parameters.json'
                    $functionInput = @{
                      resourcegroupName             = "$(resourceGroupName)"
                      location                      = "$(location)"
                      moduleName                    = "WvdWorkspaces"
                      moduleVersion                 = "0.0.1"
                      parameterFilePath             = $parameterFilePath

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Invoke-GeneralDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true

This pipeline job will deploy a WVD Workspace and register the test user group to it, so that upon completion of the pipeline, the test user can login to their WVD environment and access this workspace.

Remote App Group Deployment

  - deployment: Deploy_RemoteAppGroup01
    - Deploy_WVDHostPool
    - Deploy_WVDSessionHosts
    environment: SBX
    condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['enableApplicationJob'], true))
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Deploy module [WvdApplicationGroups] in [$(resourceGroupName)] via [$(serviceConnection)]'
                name: Deploy_WvdApplicationGroups_Task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1'
                    $parameterFilePath = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/wvdapplicationgroup01.parameters.json'
                    $functionInput = @{
                      resourcegroupName             = "$(resourceGroupName)"
                      location                      = "$(location)"
                      moduleName                    = "WvdApplicationGroups"
                      moduleVersion                 = "2020-06-02"
                      parameterFilePath             = $parameterFilePath

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Invoke-GeneralDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true

This pipeline job is currently turned off, but it can be used to deploy a Remote App Group.

Remote Application Deployment

  - deployment: Deploy_Application
    - Deploy_WVDSessionHosts
    - Deploy_RemoteAppGroup01
    environment: SBX
    condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['enableApplicationJob'], true))
    timeoutInMinutes: 120
      vmImage: $(vmImage)
              - checkout: self
              - task: AzurePowerShell@4
                displayName: 'Deploy module [WvdApplications] in [$(resourceGroupName)] via [$(serviceConnection)]'
                name: Deploy_WvdApplications_Task
                  azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
                  ScriptType: InlineScript
                  inline: |
                    Write-Verbose "Load function" -Verbose
                    . '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/$(orchestrationFunctionsPath)/Invoke-GeneralDeployment.ps1'

                    $parameterFilePath = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/parameters/wvdapplication.parameters.json'
                    $functionInput = @{
                      resourcegroupName             = "$(resourceGroupName)"
                      location                      = "$(location)"
                      moduleName                    = "WvdApplications"
                      moduleVersion                 = "2020-06-02"
                      parameterFilePath             = $parameterFilePath

                    Write-Verbose "Invoke task with" -Verbose
                    $functionInput.Keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ("PARAMETER: `t'{0}' with value '{1}'" -f $_, $functionInput[$_]) -Verbose }

                    Invoke-GeneralDeployment @functionInput -Verbose
                  errorActionPreference: stop
                  azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
                enabled: true

This pipeline job is used to, by default, deploy two remote applications specified in the wvdapplication ARM template: Microsoft Teams and Notepad++. These remote applications will appear in the workspace.

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