WVD QuickStart Troubleshooting

In case you run into any issues while using the WVD QuickStart, this page might prove helpful to you. This page will cover certain common errors, as well as ways to solve them. Additionally, this page lists some known limitations of the solution.

Known Limitations

Invalid Configuration

A likely cause of a WVD QuickStart failure is if one or more of the prerequisites is either not present or incorrectly configured. While some of these are validated in the automation, these prerequisites are an absolute requirement in the configuration specified here.

DevOps Pipeline Error

Sometimes, the DevOps pipeline will give you an error that has no clear cause. Often times, these are transient errors that can be fixed by simply running the pipeline again - By clicking “Run New” at the top of your screen.

Runbook failed

If you get an error that looks like the image below, it means that the deployment was unable to authenticate to your Azure account, or that there was some other error with your current Azure environment. Note: While this section covers the inputValidationRunbook specifically, the process is the same for any runbook error in your deployment. Job failed
To troubleshoot this issue, go to the resource group to which you are currently deploying, and click on the inputValidationRunbook as shown below: runbook Within that runbook, you will see that the job Failed, as shown below: Job failed
If you click on the job, and navigate to the Errors tab, you’ll see the error messaging from the script. This will help you understand the cause of the error. In the example below, we can see that the wrong credentials were entered - Which indicates a spelling mistake in either the Azure Admin UPN or password. job error
To fix this, simply click “Redeploy” in the main deployment, and make sure the credentials you entered are correct before clicking “Purchase” again.

Native AD: Creating Users

In case you are running a Native AD deployment, and the ‘UserCreation’ fails, there are a number of possible causes:

Pipeline Error in Deploying a Resource

The first step in troubleshooting any pipeline failures is to check the parameter files for correctness. It’s possible that in the parameter file generation one of the files was configured incorrectly, resulting in a syntax error or, for example, a missing parameter value. To validate these parameter files, navigate to your pipeline and click on the build artifact containing the parameter files as indicated in the image below.

DevOps Pipeline Artifact

Within this Artifact you will find a folder called ‘Parameters’ - Click on it, and you’ll see all the generated parameter files. You can then download the one with associated resource that failed the pipeline to check it for correctness. If the error was indeed due to a parameter error, please change this parameter in either the appliedParameters.psd1 and/or variables.yml files as explained in the Customize section. Then, you can start a new run of the pipeline, which will regenerate the parameter files (don’t click “rerun failed jobs”, as this will use the same faulty parameter files).

As a last resort, if the above does not fix your problem, you can try hard-coding some parameters in the parameter template files located in the QS-WVD/static/templates/pipelineinput folder in your DevOps repository. However, this is not a recommended course of action.

Assets Storage Account Post-Deployment Failed: Download Failed

In deploying the assets storage account, one of the tasks is to download the Microsoft Teams MSI package. There’s a slight possibility that this particular task gives you the following error in the DevOps pipeline

Download FAILED: Exception calling “DownloadFile” with “2”
| argument(s): “The SSL connection could not be established, see
| inner exception. Authentication failed, see inner exception.”

If this happens, you can simply click “Rerun failed jobs” at the top of the screen - This should fix this issue, as it’s not a user error.

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